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Continue chat

To initiate a chat, do not provide a sessionId nor a message.

Continue the conversation by providing the sessionId and the message that should answer the previous question.

Set the isPreview option to true to chat with the non-published version of the typebot.

Path Parameters
sessionId string REQUIRED
Request Body REQUIRED
message string

Successful response

lastMessageNewFormat string

The sent message is validated and formatted on the backend. This is set only if the message differs from the formatted version.

messages object[]
id string
input object
prefilledValue string
runtimeOptions object
paymentIntentSecret string
amountLabel string
publicKey string
clientSideActions object[]
lastBubbleBlockId string
expectsDedicatedReply boolean
logs object[]
status string
description string
dynamicTheme object
hostAvatarUrl string
guestAvatarUrl string

Error response

message string
code string
issues object[]
message string